Saturday, May 28, 2016

D'Aulnoy Souls: A True and Factual Account Part 6

Hey folks, Tyler here!

It's been a long, arduous journey for digi-d'Aulnoy, but the end is in sight. This week, we pop over to the Archdragon Peak for one last test of our mettle before we see this thing to it's conclusion.

She's starting to sport some stress wrinkles, methinks

Time for a spa day

Like a mudbath or something, that'd be nice...

Does d'Aulnoy have the stuff to call herself dragon? Can she muster the power within her to walk the path? There's only one man who can tell us for sure, and it's time to settle the score

Speaking of scores to settle, there's also an old, long forgotten God standing between d'Aulnoy and victory

And if we've learned anything about our dear old d'Aulnoy, it is her favorite and only pastime to take mythical beings and really just tear them some new buttholes

Pictured: soon to be "Butthole-less King"

Here's the episode in video form, if you'd like to see the ol' girl in action:

Next week will be the final installment of "D'Aulnoy Souls". Thanks for sticking it out with me!

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